giovedì 12 ottobre 2017

Witch of Wookey Hole

The witch of Wookey Hole is a legend. It is said that in the first chamber of the Wookey Hole cave, in South-West of England, the witch is still preserved in the form of stalagmite.
A man from Glastonbury fell in love with a girl. A witch living in Woonky Hole cave cursed the man's romance. the man became a monk and he wanted revenge on the witch. The monk stalkd the her into the cave and she was hiding in a dark corner near one of the underground rivers. The monk blessed the water and splashed it where the witch was hiding. The witch petrified the witch and so she remains in  the cave forever 

2 commenti:

  1. k bll storia!!1 stavi prlnd di te in 3a persona???? baci!!!!11 xoxoxo

  2. non dovevi dire la verità... ora hai rovinato tutto
