venerdì 16 ottobre 2015

My school

My new school is very big.
Its name is "Galileo Galilei".
It is situated in the city centre, in front of the Ducal Palace, an old monument of my town.
In this school there are about 20 class rooms.
Also, there are a gym, a camp, an I.T. lab, an auditorioum and a lenguage lab.
There are three floors.
The courses are: Scientific Lyceum, Music Lyceum, Lenguage Lyceum and Dance Lyceum.
There are 18 students in my class.
They are very friendly and nice.
Anna sits next to me, she's 14 and she is from Mondragone.
I go in a lenguage class.
I study five lenguages: Italian, English, Spanish, Franch and Latin.
I study English because i like it.
my teacher aren't bad.

I really like this new school.

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